Thursday, February 21, 2013

OPI Pink Friday

I have been wearing OPI Pink Friday the last couple of days.  I put it on looking for a base for my new Pure Ice "Come Closer" pink glitter I picked up at Walmart the other day, but then never got around to doing the glitter gradient I had in mind.  Probably for the best because it doesn't really complement the color of that glitter at all, I don't know what I was thinking.

 Here is 2 coats of Pink Friday with Seche on top:

I like this color.  Then again I like 99% of opaque light/med pinks I have tried.  The lighter and whiter based the more I seem to like them.  I don't love this as much as Essie Fiji, but I was happy to wear it for a few days, it fits me.  Application took a little patience, but not unbearable.

I don't know about you but I love Nicki Minaj and I don't think it's fair that Mariah Carey got more shades in her collection and got to promote their new liquid sand. Just sayin'.

Another pic of Pink Friday, displayed on a Manicurator style claw hand (I love how she does that!)

...Update on the camera situation- I found a cute little point and shoot 10 megapixel Casio Exilim laying around and ordered a USB cord and battery charger for it, so picture quality should improve in the near future :)

Have a great day!

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